These are the 10 steps you can expect to take as a first time homebuyer.
Starting a Business? You’ll Want to Read This.
Deciding the legal structure of your new company is a crucial first step to starting a business.
5 Questions About Title Insurance
What is title insurance and why do you need it?
Wills: Young People Need Them Too
If you're under 40 and don't have a Will, now is the time to get one.
Guardians and Conservators
Who decides how your assets and healthcare will be managed if you can't make decisions for yourself?
FAQ’s About Power of Attorney
When it comes to your estate plan, a well-drafted power of attorney is crucial to ensure all your assets are taken care of.
How to Avoid Pitfalls of Investment Property
Property management today continues to become more expensive and liability is constantly a threat. To many who own investment property, it is not a question of “if” they will ever need an attorney, but “when”. Download the PDF to read the entire paper.
The Basics of Medicaid Eligibility Asset Requirements
If you have questions about qualifying for Medicaid, here are some asset basics and information on why you should start planning today.
Determining authority to execute real estate documents
The basic rules to guide the proper execution of real estate documents are found in Section 35-4-20, et seq Code of Alabama. These rules are well known and require little comment, but there are other rules that must be understood and addressed.
The Building Blocks
A quick guide to the basic building blocks of estate plans, from wills and trusts to powers of attorney.