From the way we do business to the way we communicate with friends and family, social media has evolved from an online novelty to a critical factor in our day to day lives. So what happens to your profiles after you’ve passed on? The answer varies from site to site....
Who is an Executor and what do they do?
Who is an Executor? An executor of Will is the person chosen by the probate judge to act as the administrator of a deceased person’s estate during the probate process. An executor is not typically a lawyer, but they work closely with an attorney to execute their duties with honesty...
When is it time for a new Will?
You have a Will, and that’s great. You’re already doing better than 60% of the country. But when is the last time you updated it?
Biometrics in the Workplace
The world constantly evolves as new technology is created. As the use of biometric technology in the workplace grows, so does the number of people concerned about their privacy. Here’s a short summary of what you need to know about biometric technology and how privacy should be protected.
Guardianships and Conservatorships
What is the difference between Guardianships and Conservations?
Avoiding Probate
We would all like to pass something on to our loved ones when we die. The last thing that anyone wants to do is give a portion of what they have left behind to the government or an attorney. Avoiding probate is possible and here are some tips on how...
Legal Tips Before the New Year
The end of 2018 is rapidly approaching! Are all of your business affairs in order and ready for the New Year? If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few legal tips to help you prepare for the upcoming year.
Buy-Sell Agreements
Every small business with more than one owner needs a Buy-Sell Agreement.
For Estate Planning, Aretha Gets No R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Recently, the legendary soul singer Aretha Franklin passed away. While her death shocked fans around the world, the news that followed was even more shocking: Despite a net worth or roughly $80 million, The Queen of Soul did not leave behind a will.
Right of Redemption Law in Alabama
Thinking of purchasing a home at a foreclosure sale? Make sure that you’re up to date with the new foreclosure law in Alabama before purchasing.